Grief Counseling

Kate-Grief Experiencing losses aren’t easy. We experience a range of emotions from our losses; feeling depressed, despair, fear, helplessness, hopelessness, lost, numb, restless, regretful, worrying, anger, guilt, and so on. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Whatever you are feeling, that’s real.

In the large perspective, losses are inevitable in our life. It is very painful to confront your loss, but having the courage to face it can be the bridge to a fuller life. It may take some time to heal, and it may bring up your past unresolved losses. I am here to help you. Don’t leave your heart wounded. Just as we take care of our physical wounds, our heart needs some care. Let’s work together to rise above your deep sorrow, to regain a sense of well-being, and to bring back happiness in your life.

Pet Grief

Your pet was a part of your family. It is normal to grieve the loss. Pets are a large part of our lives and their loss can be just as difficult as the loss of a human family member.